

Friday 2 September 2011

How to Prevent Date Rape

1. Avoid getting drunk at parties. Alcohol lessens inhibitions and decreases your awareness. Therefore, you are more likely to do things that you would not do while sober. It is best to stay lucid, especially in the company of people you barely know.
2. Always watch your beverage, even if it is soda. Keep it with you at all times. Date rape drugs like rohypnol ("roofies"), gamma-hydroxybutyrate (GHB), and ketamine can easily be mixed into drinks when you are not looking. Such drugs can cause you to lose consciousness.
3. Once you lose sight of your drink, do not consume any more of it. You do not know whether a substance had been added to your beverage at the time of your absence. If you are severely dehydrated and there is no running water and you cannot wait until later to drink, call an ambulance because intravenous fluids are probably necessary. Get another drink. Date rape's not worth it.
4. Avoid going into secluded areas with your date until you trust him/her. Go on double dates until you feel comfortable being alone with your boyfriend/girlfriend.
5. Date people you are familiar with.
Be clear on what you are seeking from your relationship. If you do not know, ask the person you are seeing to give you some time to figure things out. Do not lay around, flirt, or give them signs that you don't feel well. 6. Do not let anyone pressure you into doing anything you do not feel is right.
6. Avoid being alone with anyone who makes you uncomfortable. Your instincts will tell you which situations to remove yourself from.

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